Listen + download
End Of I (2020)
Released by: Art Of Empathy + Aenaos Records + Enough Records + Spheredelic
Posthuman Decadence (2010)
Released by: Art Of Empathy + 7th Crow Records + afmusic + Bunkier Productions (physical release) + Enough Records + FunerART + Wildness Net Label
Evening Sessions (2007)
Released by: Art Of Empathy + Ekleipsi
Streaming platforms
A lot of the AOE songs can be found on several streaming platforms.
FREE music = WORTHLESS music?
In a coke driven world where egocentric narcissists are kings and money is god, this might be the case. Though, that’s not the world AOE is part of.
AOE’s music is released for free under a Creative Commons’ licence:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International